
The Corps of Drums

The State Clothing for Drum Majors is a Royal Household rather than an Army uniform, and is worn by the Drum Majors as a Household Drummer to the Queen. State dress may only be worn on occasions when members of the Royal family are present, and on anniversaries when mounting Queens's guard, these include Royal Birthdays, Coronations and St Patrick's Day.

The Drummers of the Battalion's Corps of Drums, is the Fleur de Lis, worked on the braid of the Drummers Tunics, this originates from the days when the King of England was also the King of France.

D/Maj Paul Teague

D/Maj Paul Teague
St Patrick`s Day 2001

D/Maj GD Smith

D/Maj GD Smith
Wellington BKS 1926
Drum Majors of the Irish Guards from 1900 - 2002
Sgt F.C James
Sgt W.J Cherry
Sgt G.D Smith




Sgt P.H Arnsby

Sgt H.G Baily
WOII J.J Gallagher
WOI G. Stone (M.B.E)
C/Sgt M. Wood
Major V Sullivan
WOII K.I.E Thomas (B.E.M)
Sgt H.C Fletcher
Sgt B.J Woods
Sgt E.J Milligan
WOI M.S Adrian
Sgt M Sullivan
Sgt J.M Doughty
WOII C.P Dean (B.E.M)
WOII R Kirkland
WOII J. McFarland
Sgt D Kearney
C/Sgt P Brennan
Sgt S. Nichols
C/Sgt C Alying
Sgt GS Johnston
Sgt P Teague

September 1900 - September 1912
September 1912 - August 1920
August 1920 - July 1927

Drum Major Arnsby


iiiiiClick Photo

oi0July 1927
iio May 1935

May 1935 - July 1936
July 1936 - September 1939
September 1939 - September 1941
December 1946 - February 1951
February 1951 - June 1962
June 1955 - July 1962
July 1962 - March 1965
March 1965 - February 1966
February 1966 - November 1968
August 1968 - August 1971
August 1971 - August 1973
September 1973 - November 1974
November 1974 - February 1984
February 1984 - April 1985
April 1985 - December 1988
December 1988 - December 1990
December 1990 - May 1993
October 1994 - December 1995
January 1996 - April 1996
April 1996 - December 1998
December 1998 - October 2000
October 2000 - The Present D/Maj

Drum Majors Colin Ayling & Johno

The Drum Majors (Left) are Colin Ayling and Johno in State dress. The rollover image is in Home Service Clothing