Bugle Calls from the

The Composition of a bugle call is as follows

The Prefix
To identify Household Division or Battalion and Companies.
The Call
Reveille, cookhouse etc, standards throughout the Footguards

The Suffix
An indicator of who the call is for, ie

The sergeants Inwaiting
The Company Quartermaster Sergeants.
The Fire Call, etc, etc.

Each Company has its own destinctive prefix call


Number 1 Company

"We are the Right of the Line"


Number 2 Company

"Gentlemen all"


Support Company

"Number Three"


Number 4 Company

"The Crime Wave"

Headquarter Company

Other Calls within the Battalion

The Army call reveille (Charlie Charlie get out of bed are the words to the tune) is not played in the Household Division. The call we would use instead is Rouse, the difference being that reveille is to awaken, whereas Rouse is to get you up (contrary to the words).

When Rouse is played, there is a tune that has the words:

" Get out of bed, get out of bed, get out of bed, you lazy devils, Hands on your balls put on your socks, get out of bed, you lazy devils"

When the Picquet call is played the words are:

"Come and do a Picquet boys, come and do a guard, you may think its easy boys, but it`s fuckig hard.

Sick Parade
The words:

Sixty four, ninety four, he`ll never go sick any more the poor fellows dead.

The words to the tune:

Come to orders, come to orders, come to orders, Justice will be done

Mail Call
There would be a call for one of the companies followed by the mail call. The words to the Mail Call are:

Letter for me, letter for you, letter from lousy Lizzie, letter from Lucy Lu.