This is an Irish Folk band that has come on to no end since the time the band was put together many years ago. It consists of members of the Irish Guards, such as, Mac the knife McCarthy and Phil the singer Trainor who are the main coordinators, however, when the Battalion is all in station then the band can get to its full capacity with other members of the Battalion that will participate, ie, Drummy speedy slowey and cool wise Simon, They have made several C.D compilations and are always in demand throughout Germany, U.K and Ireland, but especially within the Sergeants Mess when they are between tours.
Phill the swinger (right) and Mac the knife (left) relax in their recording studio in Munster Germany
Phill leads the way recording a little bit of light Irish music
Play it again Phill
ShillelaghTaken by Storm
Guest ArrivalFull Swing

Shillelagh Unplugged

Shillelagh play a total surprise gig at the Commanding Officers farewell meal. They appear through the mist and smoke from behind the bar of the Sergeants Mess and perform yet another superb evening.

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