The Battalion was 100 Years Old on the 01st April 2000 and like any other birthday their was a cake, however, this cake was cut by the Queen in the State Apartments of St James`s Palace
There were also two other people present as old as the Battalion during the time the cake was cut, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother and Mr Christopher Whitty of Liverpool, who was too young to fight in the first World War, arriving from Dublin in 1915, but joined the Regiment in 1939, telling everyone he was 21. He also commented that he was the only MICK old enough to ask the Queen mum out to the pictures, after the birthday party.
Celebrations were also taking place in the Battalion at Oxford Barracks, Munster Germany. The MICKS were on good form that day, as you could see from some of the photographs that were taken by Dianne Wilmont.
This has a
bit more colour than the last 12 that I had
I hope this one is better than the last 3 I had

"Up the MICKS"

I think that Dianne has put a drop of hair restoring liquid in this jug.

It say`s here, Sarnt major, that you only require one drop in your beer
Thats better, but I must get a hair cut

Proof of the pudding you can't go wrong with 2 drops


I shall call it
" hair from Algie"